Cannibalism during peace and war.
Cannibalism in peace and war. ( all information collected here is from the various pages of internet, with hyperlinks given) In our early school days, while learning Geography of Africa, my teacher used to tell us, that there are tribes in central African region, who eat human beings. We used to wonder how their tribe existed ?. If they eat their own people, then the tribal strength should come down. That is what we thought, but later found that, they used to eat people of some other warring tribe which lost their war, and the prisoners of the losing tribe, were consumed by the winning tribe.. There was no crisis for food. It was some firm belief or a ritual practised by certain tribes in Africa and other South American Amazon area tribes. If you open a good dictionary for the meaning of cannibalism, then you end up finding the following: What does cannibalism mean? “ “ the eating of human flesh by another human being; the eating of the flesh of an animal by another a...