Dr. A.M.Krishne Urs. Professor of Anatomy.
Dr. A.M.Krishne Urs. Professor of Anatomy." Karunadu Pithamaha Anatomica" ( 29.05.1933- 20.08.2020
"Aliyandiru Madaraje Urs Krishne Urs" was born on 29th May 1933 in Mysore. He was a brilliant student and had all his basic education in Mysore at Sharada Vilas College and secured admission for studies in Medicine leading to the Degree of MBBS, at the Medical College , at Mysore. . He maintained his competitive medical education and completed his MBBS with Distinction. He did his Masters in Anatomy from the University of Madras with MSc. He joined Medical College,Mysore as a Lecturer in 1959. In his teaching line, he progressed and became an Assistant Professor in 1963, and Associate Professor in 1964. He became a Professor in 1974 and had his speciality in Anatomy. He was a fast speaker and all his students were afraid of his discipline and strictness.
In the course of his career, he was the Senior Professor and HOD Anatomy, Vice dean, Faculty of
Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysore (02.02.1985-24.03.1988) Was Dean, Board of Studies;Affiliation Committee,
University of Mysore;; Dean DNB Course, B.M Hospital, Mysore;; -------------------
From Wikipedia: about “Mysore Medical College and Research Institute” Mysore Medical College has sailed through the SAGA of 75 years, during this journey, the various expansion programs and academic achievements which culminated in the development of this illustrious institution nurtured and guided by series of eminent teachers and 23 administrators - Deans and Principals like ………….. Dr.B.V.Puttaraje Urs……………· Dr. D.C. Parthasarathy · Dr. A.M. Krishne Urs · Dr. B. Lakshmi Bai …….
In the magazine “Radiology” Saturday Feb 14,2009 : “History of Mysore Medical College” the following is extracted:
“ ……………………The Next 25 years (1949-1975) |
This period has been the era of growth and development. This has been a golden era in the history of Mysore Medical College. It is during this period many Mysore Medical College graduates moved to various parts of the world mainly USA, UK, Canada. Many of them have proved their excellence and distinguished themselves in various fields as clinicians, academicians and administrators, etc.. ……………… |
the teachers were eminent and devoted, who had involvement in their respective fields, quotable among them were Dr. Rajagopal from the Department of Anatomy who dissected Elephant for comparative Anatomy, Dr. Krishne Urs had a Silver tongue in teaching Anatomy, Dr. Thakar Nayak as a sober Anatomy teacher.
From the Department of Physiology, Dr. Narayan Setty was famous for his explaining the "Theory of Equilibrium". Dr. B.V. Puttaraj Urs by his majestic look and teaching, Dr. Sampathkumaran, Professor of Physiology is a living legend, Dr. D.S. Shivappa from the Department of Pharmacology who had unique quality of writing medical terms in Kannada. ……………. “
From “My days at the Alma mater” Dr H S Satish. Professor of ENT, BMC in the BMC Magazine “BMC Alumni Day 2005”
“ I belong to the 1977-82 batch of Mysore Medical College. It is still the first MBBS which was for one and a half years that gave me more thrills and challenges . It was then belief that “you pass first year and you are a doctor”. We had strict disciplinarians like Dr S.Kantha and Dr Krishne Urs and probably they were responsible for a lighter ragging period in our initial weeks…. We used to marvel at the express speed of anatomy recitations by Dr Krishne Urs and Dr Rajeshwari……….For all the students it was “Exercise of the Dissection” which would be a nightmarish experience.. the particular dissection one has to do was selected by lots… and I drew the “Dissection of submandibular triangle” The day was saved since Dr Krishne Urs understood my plight and I was let off after answering his questions reasonably…..”
The Karnataka Medical Council (KMC) came into existence in the year 1931 and was originally called THE MYSORE MEDICAL COUNCIL. It was the exact replica of General Medical Council , England. The specialty of Mysore Medical Council was that it came into existence years before Indian Medical Council which started in 1956.
Past Vice – Presidents: 1). Dr.Krishna Urs (Professor of Anatomy , Bangalore Medical College) 2). Dr.D.G.Benakappa (Paediatrician , Director , Indira Gandhi Institute Of Child Health, Bangalore)
From: "Gazette of India, 1987, No. 234" regarding; appointing Dr AM Krishne Urs as a member of Medical Council of India:
[n. EV. 11013/45/87 -tET. f. (Et)] Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Department of Health)
New Delhi, the 26th August, 1987
S.O. 2415.—^Whereas in pursuance of the provision of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) Dr. A.M. Krishne Urs, Prof, and Head, Deptt. of Anatomy of University of Mysore to be a member of the Medical Council of India with effect from the date of issue of this notification.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act, the Central Government hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Govt, of India in the late Ministry of Health, No, S.O. 138 (No, 5-13159-MD. dated the 9th lanuary, 1960, namely:—
In the said notificaion, under the heading “Elected under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 3” for serial number 20 and the entry relating thereto the following serial number and entry shall be substituted, »amcly :—
“20 Dr. A. M. Krishne Urs., Professor & Head Deptt. of Anatomy, JSS Medical College, Old Bannimantap. Mysore—Bangalore Road. Mysore-570015.’’
[No. V.11013|45187-ME(P)] [Part II —Sec. 3(ji)]
Anatomical Society of India:: Life Member Nov 15, 2019 — 19, 7, 1979, 33J, Dr. A. M. Krishne Urs, ** 234, Indira Nagar, Mysore-570010.
Dr A.M.Krishne Urs as a philanthrophist http://www.nbbh.org/boardinghome.html
Born to an Ursu Jagirdar family, helping people of the community and others was in his blood. During his educational period, his house was feeding poor boys of his community at Mysore. He did donate and got a room built for the residential scholars of the Community through :
Nanjaraja Bahadur Educational Charity Fund Boarding home.. Sri Rama Seva Ursu Mandali (Regd)
Sri Chikkamada Raje urs (4 Rooms) Donated and initiated Hostel Rooms Then Late M N Vishwanatha Raje Urs (1Room) Bangalore, Dr. A M Krishne Urs (1 Room)Mysore, Late Sri Bokkasada Nanja Raje Urs (2 Rooms)Mysore, Smt. Rani B N Bahadur (2 Rooms) Michigan, America, built rooms as donation for the students Accomodation. The construction work completed during 1987-1989. During 2004-2005 ,an office room and 3 rooms for the hostel were built. Sri M B Basavaraj Bahadur auditorium got renovated with huge windows and grills in 2006..................
Citation in the prestigious Award “Karunadu Pithamaha Anatomica” he received, reads:
We the fraternity of the KARNATAKA CHAPTER OF ANATOMISTS humbly acknowledge Dr. A.M.KRISHNE URS this doyen for his life time contributions, by conferring him the title of “KARUNADU PITHAMAHA ANATOMICA” On this day the 21st September 2019, on the occasion of the 21st Annual KCACON 2019, conducted in association with Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute and KCA Organising Committee.
Organising Committee
He passed away on 20.08.2020, leaving behind a son, daughter-in-law, and two lovely grand daughters happily married. They have helped me (VU2UR), with the motivation by Ms A.S.Devaki, in presenting a lot of his personal data and information on his awards.
May his life history motivate more young people of our community to reach higher academic levels and benevolence.
Stunning work doraniah. Very resourceful . great effort.